Life is Belief & Struggle - Ahmed Shawqi

Friday, October 9, 2015

Is a Pallywood Star being born? Updated

Pallywood is the name for the nascent film news agencies of the Palestinians, who product deliberately staged events and then flag it as real news. Yes, the term is dismissive and it is meant to be.

I found this video from the "Shehab News Agency" facebook feed dated October 9th. It's video of allegedly an Israeli military vehicle running over a Palestinian Stone Thrower. Now I am not really familiar with military vehicles used in the West Bank so I cannot speak to its 'authenticity'.

The video is obviously poorly edited. You can tell when there are multiple breaks in the feed and a suggestion of it being shot during different times of the day. There are two stoners who are put in two separate ambulances but we can only see one stoner be allegedly run down. In the clip we don't see the actually impact of vehicle-stoner. Odd all those cameramen but no one got the 'money' shot. Interesting thing about the Shehab News Agency - apparently it's a Hamas operation on Facebook. At one point Shehab News Agency 'news' feed was removed.

#شاهد .. تعرض شابين للدهس المتعمد من قبل آليات الاحتلال في المواجهات المستمرة قرب مستوطنة "بيت إيل" شمال البيرةتابعونا على انستغرام:

Posted by Shehab News Agency on Friday, October 9, 2015

But it's in the comments where things get interesting, and I found another video posted of what looks like the same incident or at least it looks like another 'out-take' of the same incident. Only this comes from the 'Quds News Network'. And there is only one stoner who is remarkably unharmed in this shot. Of course, this guy was the second stoner who was put in the ambulance in the first video. The vehicle is considerably slowed down during this 'out-take'.

#فيديو | شاب ينجو باعجوبة وحركة إحترافية .. إحدى دوريات الاحتلال العسكرية تدهس شابًا خلال مواجهات قرب مستوطنة "بيت ايل" شمالي مدينة البيرة.

Posted by ‎شبكة قدس الإخبارية‎ on Friday, October 9, 2015

Looks remarkable healthy, for a man who just got run over by an Israeli military vehicle.

Then enter Vice News , and Low and Behold, embedded in to this article is another ‘outake’ of this same incident. This was posted to the facebook page of a Hamde Abu Rahma. I had to take a screen shot of Vice article for future reference.

Apparently Rahma moonlights as a 'news photographer' from Ramallah. This one is also highly (poorly) edited. Notice the stoner who is run over is not the stoner loaded into the ambulance but there are a number of notable stills added to this video, and attributed to a Zaher Abu Husain -a journalist who is affiliated with Fatah, at least according to his facebook page.

During the ongoing clashes today near Beit El, northern Ramallah city, an Israeli jeep runs over a young Palestinian man.West Bank; Palestine. 9/10/2015
Posted by Hamde Abu Rahma on Friday, October 9, 2015

During the ongoing clashes today near Beit El, northern Ramallah city, an Israeli jeep runs over a young Palestinian man.West Bank; Palestine. 9/10/2015

Posted by Hamde Abu Rahma on Friday, October 9, 2015
Notice the man being carried into the ambulance is not the man who was hit. You can tell that cause he is wearing a white shirt rather than a black one.

So Pallywood? You decide.

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